Ph.D. Candidate
Biology Department, University Of Windsor
I track Greenland Halibut with the use of acoustic telemetry in Scott Inlet, Nunavut, which can help develop sustainable fisheries and provide economic development to the north. I also look at stress levels in wild-caught Greenland Halibut and Greenland Sharks to assess the detrimental effects of capture to fisheries discards.
7. Barkley, Amanda, Dennis Higgs. "Acoustic Communication in Labidochromis caeruleus. "Ecological and Evolutionary Ethology of Fishes (EEEF), University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario. June 2012 (Oral Presentation).
6. Barkley, Amanda, Nigel Hussey, Kevin Hedges, Iva Peklova, Bailey McMeans, Aaron Fisk. “Feeding Ecology of a Deepwater Arctic Fish in Relation to Seasonal Migration Patterns.” GLIER Graduate Student conference, Windsor, Ontario. April 2013 (Oral Presentation).
5. Barkley, Amanda, Nigel Hussey, Kevin Hedges, Margret Treble and Aaron T. Fisk. “Movement of the deepwater arctic marine flatfish Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossides) in coastal fjords of Baffin Island.” Ocean Tracking Network, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. June 2013 (Poster).
4. Barkley, Amanda, Nigel E Hussey, Jeannette Bedard, Svein Vagle, Iva Peklova, Dale Webber, Kevin Hedges and Aaron T. Fisk. “Seasonal movements of deep-water arctic marine fishes: Environmental cues in a cold and dark place.” 11th INTECOL Congress, Ecology: Into the next 100 years, ExCel, London UK. August 2013 (Oral presentation).
3. Barkley, Amanda, Nigel Hussey, Kevin Hedges, Aaron Fisk. “Capture Induced Stress in a Deep-water Marine Fish and the Implications for the Release of Bycatch in the Arctic.” GLIER Graduate Student conference, Windsor, Ontario. April 2014 (Oral Presentation).
2. Barkley, Amanda, Nigel Hussey, Kevin Hedges, Margret Treble and Aaron T. Fisk. “Movement of the deepwater arctic marine flatfish Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossides) in coastal fjords of Baffin Island.” Ocean Tracking Network, Ottawa, Ontario. June 2014 (Oral Presentation).
1. Barkley, Amanda, Nigel Hussey, Kevin Hedges, Aaron T. Fisk. “Seasonal movements of the deepwater flatfish, Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossides) in the coastal fjords of Baffin Island.” Canadian Conference for Freshwater Fisheries Research (CCFFR), Ottawa, Ontario. January 2015 (Oral Presentation).